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Image of mountain top, water, and foliage. Overlay text reads "Washington Water Watch: October Edition"

Washington Water Watch: October 2021

Dear Friends, We hope you’ve enjoyed the few sunny October days and are doing well. During the rainy season, don’t be tricked into thinking we don’t have water supply issues. We will hear forecasts of endless days of rain, but…

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Image of Madison Falls with overlaying text that reads "Washington Water Watch: September Edition"

Washington Water Watch: September 2021

Dear friends, As we are finally starting to see rain again, we reflect on a surprising water year. Hydrologist track and measure water on a different time cycle than a standard calendar year. A water year is measured from October…

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Image of Waptus Lake with smoky horizon. Overlaying text reads "Washington Water Watch: August Edition"

Washington Water Watch: August 2021

Dear friends, As the dry, hot weather continues, we are increasing water conservation efforts, protecting streamflows, and keeping an eye on our water resources. Drought and fire season started early, putting our water resources in dire shape. Fifty-nine percent of…

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Image of Lorraine at Fraser River- Amy Seiders courtesy of the NWIFC

In Remembrance: Lorraine Loomis

We are greatly saddened to hear about the passing of Lorraine Loomis. She was an incredible person and champion for fish and tribal rights. It is a great loss. Our hearts are with Lorraine’s family, the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community,…

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Spokane River PCB Clean Up

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of industrial compounds found in paint additives, adhesives, hydraulic fluids, electrical insulators, capacitors, and electric appliances such as television sets or refrigerators. Prevalent in the air, soil, and water worldwide, research in the 1960s…

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Image of the Columbia River

Washington Water Watch: Summer 2021

EDIT: The newsletter includes a save the date for Celebrate Waters. The date has since changed to September 9th. Dear Friends, As we approach summer, we at CELP are keeping an eye on our water resources. This winter and spring…

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Blue-green river flowing over rocks. Trees in the background.

Washington Water Watch: March 2021

Dear Friends, It has now been over a year since the start of the pandemic, and all our lives have changed. We hope you and your loved ones have stayed safe and well. All of us at CELP have adapted…

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Comment: Crown Columbia Water Resources

Crown Columbia Water Resources, LLC (Crown Columbia) is a so-called “water banking operation” that holds a portfolio of water rights to use for mitigation for future uses. Crown Columbia is affiliated with a larger corporation called Petrus Partners Ltd., based…

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Washington Water Watch: Jan. & Feb. 2021

Happy New Year! We are starting the new year with a new administration, and with it hope for federal progress on clean and abundant water, strengthening tribal treaty rights, and modernizing the Columbia River Treaty.   Here at home, we started…

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