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Washington Water Watch: March/April 2020

Arianna Signorini Dear friends of CELP, We wanted to check in with you. We hope you are staying safe and healthy. All of us at CELP are happy to connect with you during this time. We are fortunate to be…

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Comment: Goldendale Energy Storage Project

Rye Development plans to build the most extensive pumped-storage hydroelectric development in the Pacific Northwest. Energy generated from the project will be sent to the grid at the nearby John Day Substation in Oregon to provide power when other renewable…

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Washington Water Watch: February 2020

Dear friends of CELP, This year started off unusually warm and wet with Seattle experiencing its 3rd warmest January on record and the wettest start to the year in over a decade. January was Washington's 12th warmest on record and…

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CELP Summer Internship

We are accepting applications for a Summer 2020 Legal Intern at our Seattle office. We seek a legal intern with a demonstrated interest in environmental issues to work on projects aimed at establishing protected instream flows.  Qualified candidates will have…

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Washington Water Watch: January 2020

Dear friends of CELP, Happy New Year everyone! CELP is entering 2020 focused on our mission to protect, preserve, and restore Washington's waters.  This year we will continue our outreach to connect people to the impacts of climate change and…

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Washington Water Watch: November 2019

Photo: Kayla Jo Media Dear friends of CELP, As the year winds down, the state drought declaration for 27 watersheds remains in effect, expiring April 4th, 2020.  As winter approaches, snowpack levels continue to be less than average. These levels are…

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Remembering Pat Sumption

John & Rachael Osborn: First, let us thank Pat’s three sons – David, Cameron, and Chris – especially for helping their mother in the last part of her life’s journey. Pat Sumption was a consummate environmental activist. She was dauntless,…

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Washington Water Watch: September 2019

Check out our newest Washington Water Watch newsletter: Photo: John Osborn Dear friends of CELP, Summer is winding down, and hopefully most of you got a chance to get out and enjoy the wonderful recreational opportunities on our rivers. But…

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