During Celebrate Waters 2024, CELP proudly presented Tom Ring, a retired hydrogeologist, with the Ralph…

Nancy Rust, Water Hero 2006
A member of Washington State’s House of Representatives from 1981-1996, Nancy began a life of political activism by joining the League of Women Voters in the mid-1950s. As a member of the League, Nancy worked on voter registration campaigns, numerous ballot initiatives, tax reform, and the Equal Rights Amendment. While her career in community service spans over five decades, she will perhaps be most remembered for her work on environmental issues. She chaired the House Environmental Affairs Committee from 1983-1994, during which time she oversaw legislation regarding hazardous waste management, shorelines management, growth management, and legislation to prevent oil spills on Puget Sound.
An outdoor enthusiast, Nancy enjoys getting out into nature by hiking, back-packing, skiing, biking, or as a member of the Washington Native Plant Society.
As a strategic advocate for Washington’s waters, we are excited to award her with this year’s Ralph W. Johnson Water Hero Award.
Nancy Rust, Water Hero 2006