During Celebrate Waters 2024, CELP proudly presented Tom Ring, a retired hydrogeologist, with the Ralph…
Carla Carlson Named 2023 Water Hero
Carla Carlson, hydrologist/analyst for Muckleshoot Tribal Nation, named 2023 Water Hero
During our 2023’a Celebrate Waters evening, CELP proudly presented Carla Carlson, retired Muckleshoot Analyst/Hydrologist with the Ralph Johnson Water Hero Award for her service and dedication to tribal water rights and instream flows around the state.
During her 31 years at Muckleshoot as a water resource analyst/hydrologist, Carla helped protect tribal treaty water rights in WRIA’s 8, 9, and 10 by providing technical and scientific input on groundwater appropriations to Ecology, analyzing and testifying on harmful water bills at the state legislature, and negotiating water right settlements. Some successes included providing expert testimony to support Ecology denials of water rights for cases at the PCHB, which culminated in the state supreme court decision on Postema; conducting water quality and flow studies to help reach a joint tribal agreement with the Cascade Water Alliance on the Lake Tapps water supply; and working with the tribal natural resource lobbyist to “kill” bad water bills at the state legislature. Other successes include collecting and providing data to Ecology to place a portion of the Lake Washington Ship Canal on the 303d list for temperature and helping to secure state funding and tribal involvement for the Lower White River Restoration project.
CELP is immensely grateful for the work Carla has done over her 30-year career to protect our water resources, and we again thank everyone who attended for helping us recognize Carla for her contributions toward ensuring that future generations have access to clean and flowing waters in Washington!
Carla Carlson Named 2023 Water Hero